What does the Nation State Law Actually Say?

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5 Responses

  1. Sheri Oz says:

    Let me start this off myself – I see nothing wrong with the Nation State Law.

    Regarding the amendments, I have no problem with adding that Arabic is the second official language. I do not think it will change anything.

    If they add the bit about equality to Paragraph 1, then they are essentially negating any use that can be made of this law as protecting the collective rights of the Jewish People in the Jewish State. By bringing in individual rights, the Supreme Court can maintain its leftist activist stance without having to really consider collective rights of the Jewish People in their own state. And then, Paragraph 7 (about settlement), states that settlement will be in accordance with the principles of this very law (meaning in accordance with their addition to Paragraph 1) and they again refer to rights of individuals, which is not the purpose of the Nation State Law.

    • Stuart Creque says:

      I would observe that making Arabic a second official language might end up imposing a requirement on all businesses to operate bilingually. Whether that is a good or bad thing is a different question.

  2. Judith C. Levine says:

    I think that making Arabic a second official language makes sense to me. Israel is in a sea of countries that speak Arabic and it is the first language of about 20% of the population. I agree that the law should say for “all Israelis” because, even as she is the Jewish State and is known as such internationally, she is a democracy. I would find it very off putting to say the least, if the US suddenly had a law that once again referred to citizens as Whites and the rest of us mentioned as “oh yeah and the rest too”. I understand why the Druze and other non-Jewish Israelis might find this offensive.

  1. August 2, 2020

    […] The second group is made up of naive do-gooders, such as Yair Lapid, and supposed innocent victims of the Law. They think they are acting from a humanitarian civil rights position. They believe the rhetoric that the Nation State Law turns the non-Jewish citizens of Israel into second-class citizens. Why? Because that is how some, such as respected Druze journalist Riad Ali, say the Law makes them feel. And hurt feelings make an impression on Jews who cannot bear the thought that something we do for ourselves might be experienced negatively by someone else. It was heartbreaking to see Ali cry on a national television news broadcast when talking about the impact of the Nation State Law on him, personally, yet I wonder if he even read the law before deciding to feel insulted. (You can read the law in translation here.) […]

  2. July 9, 2021

    […] the NSL is a positive law, describing things that are, not things that are not. For example, the NSL states that Israel is […]

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