The Coffer Illusion and waking up after Oct 7th

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1 response

  1. John McDonagh says:

    This is a fascinating post and one I’ve revisited several times in the past week. (Sorry for my late response, btw)
    At first, I was completely stumped and frustrated, and could only see the straight lines and rectangles. Intellectually, I could see what you were getting at and terms like “confirmation bias” came into my head and, also you don’t need to be a genius to understand that we all see life through our own personal and collective lenses which are often coloured by political, religious or cultural belief systems. Perception is not as straightforward as we like to imagine it is, and, sight is the easiest of the senses to fool or confound.

    When I got to the end of the article and saw where to look and how to look, a remarkable transformation took place and I could effortlessly see the circles! They were hiding in plain sight, yet it was as if they were on a slightly different plane or in a different dimension. I was frankly bemused that I could now no longer not see them.

    I understand what you are saying in regards the shift from left to right politically speaking in Israel. My own experience of that is different as I live in England and back in the nineties I was a traditional “working class” left-leaning type of person deeply suspicious of all things Right! Well, not quite all things right because my views on the Oslo Accords at the time would today be viewed as decidely rightwing. I realised that I might happily be described as left wing in England, yet when it came to Israel that all went out the window! Post Corbyn, I have a deep distrust of Labour which, for me, still remains toxic. Yet, in the UK there isn’t really a pro-Israel party as such.

    It’s interesting what you say about the possibility of things going full circle eventually and people reverting to their former positions. Who knows what will happen, but I’d like to think the lesson regarding the Israel-Palestine issue being about ideology rather than territory will not be forgotten.

    In closing, their is another analogy to be drawn or, at least considered. What I said about the circles hiding in plain sight might also apply to the numbers of shocked Israeli Arabs now supportive of Israel following October 7th? It’s hard to tell from here but there do appear to be signs of hope in this regard.

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