Sukkot Gifts and an Invitation to a Sukkot Meal
For the full week of the Sukkot holiday, Jews traditionally eat their meals in a temporary shelter, called a sukkah, in the yard or on the balcony. Children’s drawings and paper chains often decorate the sukkah. While many secular Jews no longer build a sukkah, they may mark this happy holiday with festive meals during the course of the week.
“Sukkot” is the Hebrew name for this holiday. In English, you may find it called, “Feast of the Tabernacles” or “Feast of the Booths”, booth being the English translation of the word, “Sukkah”. Many English speakers pronounce it Sukkos.
You may want to have a special invitation to send to friends and family to join you for a meal, whether in the sukkah or not. And if you are invited to a sukkot meal, you may want to take a gift with you that fits in perfectly with the holiday atmosphere.

Finding Unblemished Myrtle (Hadas) For the Lulav in Jerusalem Sukkot Market
I took the photo above at the special Sukkot market in Jerusalem. At this market, men will spend hours seeking the perfect unblemished products needed for the religious ceremony in the Sukkah – these include the etrog (a large citrus that looks somewhat like a lemon) and a lulav, made up of a date palm frond, and fronds from the willow and myrtle.
A Note About Ordering on Zazzle
If you see a product you like from those shown below, click on it and the Zazzle site will open in a new tab. It will be the USA site; there are many Zazzle sites around the world. Look at the top of the page for the American flag and click the arrow beside it to select the site closest to you. This will allow you to order in your local currency and save on shipping costs.
You add products to your cart and when you have added all that you want to order, go to the top of the page and click on the shopping cart icon to fill in your shipping and credit card info.
Invitations, Greeting Cards and Stamps
All the cards below come with a plain white envelope. The first three cards below have matching stamps you can order as well (Update August 2018: Sorry, the stamps are temporarily unavailable).
Sukkot Celebration InvitationSukkot Celebration Stamp
Classic Art Card
Classic Sukkot Art Stamp
Sukkot Greeting Card
Etrog Stamp
Sukkot Children Greeting Card
Bountiful Sukkot Card
Classic Art Greeting Card
Lulav Greeting Card
Decorate the Sukkot Dinner Table
I think this design would look splendid on your dinner table. You can order the mug in a variety of different styles or order this one and change the green to one of the other colours in the design. Then, perhaps have a table cloth and napkins in a solid colour matching or complementing the colours in the cup and plate.
Sukkot Elements MugSukkot Elements Plate
Accessories and Gifts for the Holiday
Were you invited to a Sukkot meal? You might want to take one of the suggested gifts below. If you are hosting the meal yourself, you may find something here to add to your holiday enjoyment. Perhaps a hand/dish towel in colourful design, or an apron that can be ordered for either children or adults (note the sizes before you order). For Baby’s first Sukkot, you can choose one of my two favourite designs for infants. These designs are also available as t-shirts for children and adults.
I think the design on the tie, watch, nightlight and gift box is especially attractive on these products. Finally, a sweet treat for after the meal or a poster to put up in the Sukkah may be welcome gifts to bring to the meal.
Colourful Dish or Hand TowelChildren’s or Adult’s Apron
Colourful Baby’s First Sukkot
Baby’s First Sukkot Lulav
Sukkot Tie
Sukkot Man’s Watch
Nightlight for the Sukkah
Sukkot Gift Box
Sukkot Sweet
Poster for the Sukkah
Feature Image: By Gilabrand [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], from Wikimedia Commons