Suddenly Netanyahu Makes Sense to Me

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5 Responses

  1. Yehuda Poch says:

    Not quite time. There are still more deals to be done, and they will come relatively quickly. Keep something else in mind. Ben-Gurion’s quote was exactly right. Israel needs to be strong militarily, politically, and economically. Netanyahu managed to put two of those three in place, and he did so almost single-handedly (first as finance minister, and then as prime minister). In terms of the political aspect, Israel was quite strong politically until 2019. Netanyahu didn’t create that, and he didn’t actually destroy it either. Keep in mind that all those parties that were such strong opponents of his in 2009 and 2013 are pretty much gone today.
    One other point. Avigdor Lieberman served as foreign minister for 5 of the past 8 years. Netanyahu served in that position for only 2.

    • Sheri Oz says:

      Re Liberman – he was FM during 2 of the past 8 years. The 3 years you added to his term were earlier than 8 years ago.

  2. larrysherman says:

    What Ben-Gurion wrote in 1958 was a distant hope. What Netanyahu wrote in 1993 was a plan. I’ve seen many articles thought out the years about Israel sending aid to African countries and, more recently, having face to face conversations with the moderate Arab states. It was a patient approach that recently bore fruit.

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