Right-Wing Demonstration in Haifa – 10 October 2015

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5 Responses

  1. Ilana says:

    I think you did an excellent job. The best is that one can get an honest, untwisted view of the event. I think that is the true sign of a great journalist. Give the facts, be there for us, let us decide what we think, and if you express your feelings and opinions, you let us know that. I love the personal touches and so agree with them, grand babies etc. Well done. Thank you.

    • Sheri Oz says:

      Thanks for taking the time to read and I especially appreciate you taking the time to comment. Glad you like my mix of the personal with the events.

  2. Steve Blowers says:

    Well observed. This is how real history is written. I love the analogy to the schoolyard. I feel an immense burden though. Were it not so deadly for the Jews in Israel at the moment we might think it just that, a schoolyard spat. But this goes all the way back to Isaac and Ishmael. Reconciliation will only come when the Teacher appears in the schoolyard.

    • Sheri Oz says:

      The violence is real and deadly, which makes this particular “parve” demonstration stand out. Would that all our conflicts were this low-key.

  3. Steve Blowers says:

    I foresee a time when there will be no conflict at all.

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