Purim Parties and Gifts
Purim is just one great festival. True, there is the Fast of Esther, but I don’t really know too many people who observe that other than the truly observant. Everyone gets busy getting their costumes ready, preparing Mishloach Manot and buying noisemakers and wine. The holiday is coming close — very very close. If you haven’t yet sent out your party invitations or bought everything you need for the party, you might find some fun suggestions here. I have put together a selection of items that are sure to make you smile.
Purim party invitations are a snap with Zazzle
All the invitations featured here are two-sided, meaning that there is a pretty or cute you-are-invited side and a side with all the details. Everything is customizable so that you can easily replace the details of your party with those that are, essentially, place-holders on the invitation templates. There are even two invitations that have matching stamps.
Purim Party InvitationHelium Hamantaschen Purim Party InvitationPurim Mask InvitationPurim Mask and Cookies InvitationHappy Purim PostageHamantaschen Clown Purim Postage Stamp
What To Wear To the Purim Party
Not everyone wants to dress up in a costume. There are a variety of reasons for this and no need to apologize. Perhaps a tie, hat, t-shirt or one of the novelty items will keep you in tune with the festivities in a way that feels comfortable for you. Note: the t-shirts are available in a variety of colours and styles and many of the designs are available for everyone: men, women, children and babies.
For Kids
Each design is available for both boys and girls, including toddler sizes. There are a number of different styles of t-shirts and sweatshirts from which to choose. Some designs here are also available in adult sizes.
Clown Purim T-ShirtHamentaschen Clown Shirt
Happy Purim Shirt
For Babies
Happy Purim Baby BodysuitPurim Baby Bodysuit
Clown Purim Baby Bodysuit
For Adults
Remember, all these designs are available for both men and women. You can find a number of them in children’s sizes as well. There are many styles and colours to choose from and not just the ones I am showing you here.
Purim Mask ShirtHappy Purim Shirt
Hamentashen Shirt
Purim is Lots of Fun Shirt
This is My Purim Costume
Purim Shirt
Accessories Instead of a Costume
Make Shushan Great Again HatGot Hamentashen Hat
This is My Costume Hat
Funky Purim Tie
Black & White Purim Tie
Purim Carnival Tie
Shoes For Men and Women
Purim Fun Sunglasses
Purim Button
Bring Mishloach Manot to the Party – or Make Favour Boxes for Your Guests
Whether you are the guest bringing goodies to share with other guests at the party, or the party host or hostess sending your guests home with something sweet or alcoholic, you may want to use one of these special bags or boxes. Some of these designs are available in different styles of boxes and bags so you might want to check the design you like best even if it is not featured here in the size you require. For example, the colourful Purim Mask design (shown here on the wine box) comes on all 4 bag styles and in 269 products altogether!
Hamentashen Star of David BagQueen Esther Bag
Happy Purim Bag
Hamentashen Favour Box
Purim Mask Wine Box
Hamentashen Rows Bag
Favours for Your Guests or a Gift for Your Host or Hostess
You may want to take something to the party that won’t just get eaten up. Or perhaps you want to send your guests home with something that will remind them of the party you threw.
Hamentashen CushionHappy Purim Magnet
Purim Mask Bottle Opener
Purim Jigsaw Puzzle
Purim Notebook
Hamentashen Stickers
Purim Boxed Chocolates
Happy Purim Pacifier
Purim Mugs
Of all the products available on Zazzle, there are plenty of mugs to choose from. That is not surprising since the mug is one of the first products available on that site. Here are just of a few of the many mugs available. You might want to fill them with sweets for a terrific Mishloah Manot!
Megilla CupHamentashen MugHappy Purim Cartoon Cats in MasksHappy HamentashenPurim Megillah MugHamentashen MugCustomizable Purim MugShushan Scene MugPurim Carnival Mug
Other Drinking Mugs or Bottles
Hamentashen Water BottleFeminist Vashti Beer SteinHappy Purim Frosted Beer Mug
Purim is one of the holidays kids enjoy most – dressing up and performing in a Purim play is always fun. And we adults are supposed to get drunk on Purim – drunk with joy at how Mordechai and Esther saved the entire Jewish community in ancient Persia. Just make sure you are a safe drunk (sorry for the downer, but I just had to say it).