Do Not Mistake This For Weakness
Jew: You want to do what is right and what is humane. You want to live up to your own cherished values and you want the values of your nation to be true to...
Jew: You want to do what is right and what is humane. You want to live up to your own cherished values and you want the values of your nation to be true to...
Academic & Journalistic Topics
by Sheri Oz · Published September 13, 2018 · Last modified December 7, 2019
I write neither to praise Trump nor to scorn him so please do not jump down my throat. It just seems to me that President Trump has been operating in a way that corresponds...
Who wants us to believe that Jews and Arabs got along just hunky-dory before we uppity Jews decided to become Zionists? Professor Menachem Klein of Bar Ilan University’s Department of Political Science does. Here!...
American Jews, you have the right to your opinions. But you do not have the right to tell Israel what to do. That right would only be yours were you to move here and...
I just got this Press Release in my email inbox. It is unfortunate that the initiative for a law cementing our relationship with minority communities among us who share our destiny had to come...
An Arab academic originally from Haifa and now living in the USA refers to Wadi Nisnas as a ghetto in a paper published in the recent special issue of the International Journal of American...
What do you do when you love your country and feel so woven into its fabric and then the threads begin to unravel? Sitting before Safwan Mreeh in a new coffee shop in Daliyat-el-Carmel,...
I think some people are quite thrilled that there are Jewish vandals who can be trotted out for display when they want to demonize the Jews. How else to explain the fact that, in...