Much Ado About Trees — And a Game of Chicken
Violence is raging in the Negev over the planting of trees. But it is not really about trees and it is not only about the Negev. In solidarity with the Negev Bedouin, students at...
Violence is raging in the Negev over the planting of trees. But it is not really about trees and it is not only about the Negev. In solidarity with the Negev Bedouin, students at...
Sometimes the wheels of justice turn excruciatingly slowly. Only recently, 17 Jewish men who were arrested in Ramla in May 2021, during Operation Guardians of the Walls, were finally awarded NIS 5,000 each as...
by Sheri Oz · Published January 19, 2022 · Last modified February 5, 2024
This is a story borne out of anger. I was angry at the apparent one-sidedness of the reporting at what happened at el-Mufaqara and the way it seemed everyone I knew accepted the media...
US political horse-trading and amoral ideologies — by a few members on the Republican side of the aisle but many on the Democratic side — are currently holding hostage the very lives and immediate...
The Jewish outpost of Oz Zion, in the Binyamin region of Samaria, was demolished four days ago. It was home to two families and five youth aged 16-18 who live there full-time and are...
It really will not just disappear. Just like most crises, this one seems to have passed into the newspaper archives and probably not many people think about it anymore. However, the issue raised by...
by Sheri Oz · Published January 7, 2022 · Last modified January 8, 2022
Look below to see a photogenic demonstration with dozens of Israelis and Arabs bringing a water container to Arabs “kept thirsty” under the brutal Israeli “occupation” Well, I have news for you. It is...
In order to make it easier for the reader to access the sections of the Oslo Accords dealing with water management for Judea-Samaria, I have copy-pasted the relevant article (40) and the appendices (called...