How Many Candies is a Jewish Life Worth?

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6 Responses

  1. Andrew Schonberger says:

    Ah, the “normality” of antisemitism.

  2. Michelle Harrison says:

    Seems to me the only normal reaction of anyone seeing a celebration of murder is the outrage and pain of which you write. When my children and I had a lucky escape from a pipe bomb in Jerusalem we went back to our hotel and could only get news from Jordan. They were celebrating this latest attack in Jerusalem, celebrating the harm they created, the harm we barely escaped. That was and is their normal. Why there is not more outrage stuns me. Thanks for writing this.

  3. Ron Barak says:

    “Peace will come when the Arabs start to love their children more than they hate us.”

    — Golda Meir (quoted in Levy, Joshua. The Agony of the Promised Land. New York: iUniverse, Inc, 2004. Ch. 23 “The Hope for Peace”, p. 187)

  1. March 20, 2017

    […] So now I ask that you look into the eyes of the mothers of martyrs when their videos are shared with you. You will see eyes that betray sadness and grief, eyes that are lifeless and numb, and eyes that do, in fact, seem to project true joy. […]

  2. March 23, 2017

    […] at the release of a Jew-murderer is nothing new for us in Israel and we are used to seeing ululating and candies tossed around in jubilation at the deaths of our children, and so, cynically enough, that might not draw much consternation in […]

  3. March 26, 2017

    […] at the release of a Jew-murderer is nothing new for us in Israel and we are used to seeing ululating and candies tossed around in jubilation at the deaths of our children, and so, cynically enough, that might not draw much consternation in […]

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