When Israeli Medical Care Pays For Anti-Israeli Terrorism
Gur Mintzer, Israeli CEO of Care Medical Services, is not shy about showing how his allegiance is to Arabs who now call themselves Palestinians rather than to his own people. He used some of the millions he made by selling off his European holdings in the company to pay for Ahed Tamimi’s defence and then was there to greet her when she arrived home after her release from prison.
He did not sell his Israeli clinics. And these clinics apparently work together with the regular Israeli health funds — health funds that are supported by our taxes. His official business Facebook page shows nothing of his politics, but a Facebook page showcasing his views was set up by someone else. It shows, for example, how he hung a “Palestinian” flag from his balcony on Israel’s Remembrance Day for our fallen soldiers, in spite of having been asked not to by neighbours:
On his own private Facebook page he expresses himself openly. , Gur Mintzer calls himself a politician — his party is Meretz — will we see him in the Knesset one day? He certainly has enough money to run a campaign (or two or three). Let us see what up uploads publicly. Here is one post:
The fire of revolt and revenge in Gaza will not be forgotten until the prison walls are opened once more and in Gaza there will be an independent Palestinian state like all other states.
Large nations such as ours did not successfully extinguish the rebellions of oppressed minorities — except those that committed horrific war crimes, crimes that stained these nations for a long time.
Do we want to commit genocide in Gaza in order to quiet the pitiful kites and stand at the head of the list of contemporary war criminals?
Why do we not try to release her prisoners, open her borders to the world, let flow into her food, electricity, water, and plentiful means for rehabilitation, to let her residents find employment in Israel and to begin a courageous peace negotiation such as befitting a generous victor over the conquered.
Freedom and peace for Gaza — now!
He narrated a video of Ahed’s homecoming and I wonder if he noticed someone standing near him and Ahed wearing a shirt illustrating exactly what the Arabs consider Israeli occupation to consist of — all of Israel.
And here is just one more post on his page:
I had the honour and the privilege to participate in the coming home party for Ahed, the Palestinian Jean d’Arc. Her family, fellow villagers and comrades in the fight from all across the West Bank received her, their faces expressing their suffering and hardships under the occupation. Their faces expressing happiness together with sadness, honour and nobility. They know that her release is only temporary. The occupation persists in every corner of their lives, in their arrests, in their nights and in their deaths.
This young girl’s fight is only beginning, the occupation forces are liable to visit her in the dead of night, any night, she will be arrested again, will be interrogated, will be psychologically tortured, her brothers and cousins will yet be humiliated, tortured and imprisoned, perhaps, God forbid, will be shot and injured like 21 of her family members, persistent freedom fighters that they are.
But the occupation, the oppression and the apartheid regime will not overcome and win out. The odour of the defeat of the occupiers is already in the air, they are already arresting people for thoughts and dangerous ideologies, victory will soon be here and whatever will be, we will be by your side.
Justice will win in the end! The principles of freedom and justice are on your side. Bear the miracle of rebellion, Ahed the Brave.
I find the level of hatred toward his own people to be incomprehensible, even though I have already seen the same up close in the person of Uri Davis. Perhaps Mintzer should do what Uri eventually did — convert to Islam and serve in the Parliament of the Palestinian Authority.
I do not know what you think, but I can barely stomach this. I certainly do not want my contributions to my health fund to find their way into Gur Mintzer’s pocket even if it is only grushim (old Israeli coin that has no value today). Dare I say it? We should be boycotting Gur Mintzer’s Care Medical Services.
“Freedom… for Gaza?” Freedom from whom? We do not rule them.
Go protest in front of the offces of theur Hamas rulers in Gaza. See how they treat you.
Exactly – we do not rule them.
Israel’s worst enemies are leftist Israeli Jews. These often well educated and sometimes well off individuals seem to find more favor serving the Palestinian enemy, who by the way according to their own statements also include the Jewish Left in their genocidal fantasies about wiping out all the Jews and destroying Israel. In my 35 years in Israel, I have been more sickened and horrified by the treacherous Israeli Jewish Left than the worst Palestinian terrorist atrocity against Israel’s non combatant civilians. I know the Palestinians want me dead and Israel gone, I cannot figure out why the Israeli Jewish Left does not realize that they too will go to the Palestinian gas chambers along with the rest of us simply for being Jews, an apparently Palestinian capital offense calling for the death penalty. In far too many ways the Palestinians are imitating Nazi occupied Europe where just being a Jew, secular or religious, observant or not, Left, Right,Zionist, or Revisionist, was a death sentence.
This is what the Palestinians have tried to accomplish here in Israel. Rather tragically for both sides, the Israeli Jewish Left exacerbates the genocidal Palestinian war to wipe us Jews out by supporting the Palestinians with financing, moral support, legal assistance, pressure on Knesset members to betray Israel, journalistic fabrication of Israeli atrocities while excusing,justifying, and even assisting them in the Palestinian assault on the Jews and Israel.
The Jewish Israel Left, exemplefied by the terrorist Jewish anti Israel gang calling itself “Peace Now”, has much in common with the Gestapo’s own vile and treacherous Leftist Jew George Soros who sold trusting and naive Jews to the Nazis and was awarded the property of the Jews he sold out, and Soros knowingly spilled Jewish blood for the Nazis in order to save his own skin. And in the case of the Palestinians, if they win, all of us Jews will die horribly at their hands, thus we are forced to fight back, often using quite harsh methods so that our Palestinian enemies, who are trying to slaughter/massacre/genocidally kill as many innocent non combatant Jewish men, women, babies, teens, and the old and sick Jews as they can. We Israeli Jews must see to it that the Palestinians do not succeed, ever.
I also cannot figure out how the left in Israel does not understand that the Palestinian Arabs seek to wipe us all out. Naivety, purposeful ignorance, an attempt to deal with the dissonance between their ethics and the reality of what we are dealing with here? I do not know.