Category: Politically and Diplomatically Speaking
I’m going to show you in a moment why watching the Israeli blockage of Gaza is an irritating example of Jewish ineptitude. Jews pride themselves on their inventiveness and on being a start-up nation....
I have come to the conclusion that Israeli leftists are just like teenagers who don’t feel the need to use condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy. Here is why:...
Nazareth Mayor Salam: Bibi was right! Arabs were surging to the polls . . . under the influence of Abu Mazen. And I helped them do so. And I have a good reason for...
In Part I of this two-part series, I discussed how leftist Jews, who often act in ways that are detrimental to Israel, are more like Uncle Toms than self-hating Jews or the kapos to...
So much fuss over Donald Trump’s invitation to Putin to see if Russian hackers can find Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 missing emails (begins at 00:25 minutes on the video below). How soon we forget! I...
Credit for inspiration for this two-part piece goes to both Diane Weber Bederman and to Sarah Tuttle-Singer. Diane wrote that J Street Jews (and I suppose others like them) can most accurately be understood...
Tel Aviv’s Mayor Ron Huldai made disparaging remarks concerning Israel’s part in causing the Arabs to kill us. Ilana Dayan interviewed Huldai after the terror attack at a Sarona restaurant that took the lives...
Not very many people are aware of the rich and illustrious history of Gaza, significant for Jews and Christians as well as Muslims. That is unfortunate, because it may put things into a very...