Can Palestinian Arabs Support Democracy and Terrorism Too?

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3 Responses

  1. Leah S. says:

    Sheri, thanks for this article!

    I would be interested in knowing how they defined “support”. for example, a few years ago, Gallup did a worldwide poll of Muslims called “what a billion muslims really think”. their goal was to show that “most” muslims don’t really support terrorism. they achieved this goal in two ways:
    a) they included all muslims around the world in their average, including those from relatively peaceful Asian countries.
    b) they defined as “supporting terrorism” only those who said that the 9/11 WTC attack was “totally” justified – without including the ones who said it was “partly,” “somewhat,” or “largely” justified.

    • Sheri Oz says:

      The study I critiqued only looked at Muslim residents of the PA. And they used a 4-point scale: strongly agree/agree/disagree/strongly disagree. They counted both agree and strongly agree as supportive of terrorism.

  1. January 26, 2020

    […] I was curious what I would find in a relatively recent article with the title: “Democratic skepticism and support for terrorism in the Palestinian Territories” written by James A. Piazza of Penn State University.  I learned one thing from the article that has nothing to do with the substance of the research itself, namely, the rentier economic system. I want to share that new learning with you; my critique of the article is in a separate post. […]

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