How Bank Leumi Once Saved My Life

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3 Responses

  1. My one annoyance with my branch of Bank Hapoalim is that the people keep changing. I suppose that’s normal for a large city, but it is nonetheless frustrating. Fortunately I do not need them much these days.

    • Sheri Oz says:

      Yes. That is happening a lot these days. Personal relationships are no longer the important part of customer service, it seems.

  1. January 10, 2020

    […] But at the same time, I felt privileged to be in this primitive place. Just living here felt like positive activism on behalf of the Jewish people, if that makes sense to you, dear reader. I relished the fact that Israel bore no resemblance to the Canada I had left and that Israelis were so different from the Canadians I had grown up with and felt no sense of belonging to. Not only that, the sense of community was so high that you could start a conversation with anyone anywhere and feel a common ground regardless of where that other person was born. Everything went quiet between 2 and 4 pm, and at 4, all the residents of the apartment block with children  sat together next to the building with coffee and cake as the kids played all around. You struck up conversations with those next to you in line at the public telephone on the street where you lived and not only in order to ease the frustration of the wait. And I wonder if a bank clerk in Canada would have gone out of her way to save my financial situation like Miriam did the first time I met her, as I describe here. […]

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