Yisrael Katz: Belgian Chocolate and Terrorism
Don’t you just love it when our own government ministers unwittingly provide fodder for the media herd? Now, don’t get me wrong – I actually find nothing wrong with what he said. Israeli minister:...
Don’t you just love it when our own government ministers unwittingly provide fodder for the media herd? Now, don’t get me wrong – I actually find nothing wrong with what he said. Israeli minister:...
Today the Parole Board heard arguments for and against early release of former Israeli president, Moshe Katzav, the sex offender, and they have yet to announce their decision. Found guilty on two counts of...
Intifada victim Yonaton Azarihab knew when to take the knife out of his wound and Dafna Meir knew when to fight to keep it in. We all need to have the presence of mind...
Purim is just one great festival. True, there is the Fast of Esther, but I don’t really know too many people who observe that other than the truly observant. Everyone gets busy getting their...
Politically and Diplomatically Speaking
by Sheri Oz · Published March 6, 2016 · Last modified May 16, 2019
Do Syrians feel Syrian enough to fight back? Raihan Ismail, a panelist on an Australian TV discussion which Aussie Dave posted last week, seems to think not. Of course, she doesn’t say that...
After last year’s terrorist attacks in Paris, many around the world put up a French flag filter over their Facebook profile images in solidarity with the French. I ask that we take a few...
I love to take photos and I love Israel. Here I put these two loves together and have a growing collection of postcards and greeting cards designed with my own images. Others seem to...