Toward the Making of Self-Hating Jews

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4 Responses

  1. Dr. Michelle Harrison says:

    Well put, as usual, and so sad…..

  2. Nancy Hardin says:

    Applause for your thoughts on the “Jew-hating Jew.” I’ve come across a few of those in my life and on Facebook. There’s no reasoning with them; they seem bound and determined to to show “I’m not like them.” But the sad thing is, they’re undermining their own people when they should be standing up for them. Your writing always gets right to the heart of the matter, and I like it very much.

  3. Lia says:

    I enjoyed your clarity of thought

  1. March 10, 2019

    […] judenrein. But who says that Jew-haters are a monolithic bunch? Perhaps some revel at the sight of Jews groveling to be accepted — and with Jews in the Party, they have ample opportunities to watch it up close and […]

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